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Bitumin Testing Instruments

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MI.PP-1017 Pen sky Marten Flash Point Apparatus
IGas jet test device, electric heated &separate energy regulator control box.This apparatus is made as per. The apparatus consists of brass test cup with handle removable cup cover with spring operated rotating shutter having oil test Jet/Gas test jet flame device, stirrer with flexible shaft. The assembly rests in Air bath which is covered with dome shape metal top. The cup is fitted with insulated handle and locking arrangements near cup flenge. The assemble is kept on round shape electric heater with temp regulator. Suitable for operation on 220 volts. a. Pen sky Martens Flash Point app. elect heated with energy regulator oil test jet b. Gas test jet
Meets: IP 34, ASTMD-93, IS 1448 (Part-1), 1270 (P-21), IS 1209

MI.PP-1018 Semi Automatic Pensky Martens
Milestone Instruments
Separate heater compartment

MI.PP-1019 Abel's Flash Point Apparatus electric heated
Oil jet test device, separate energy regulator control box.This apparatus is suitable for determining the close cup flash point of petroleum and mixtures It is suitable for oils whose flashes below 70ºC. It is supplied with oil cup cover fitted with stirrer thermometer socket S.S. water bath stand. An electric heater is fitted to bottom for operation on 220v AC circuits.
  1. Abel's flash point apparatus elect. heating with energy regulator control-oil test jet
  2. Energy regulator control Gas test jet
  3. Abel's flash point app. elect heating with energy regulator and concealed hot plat.
  4. Gas test jet
  5. Same as above but with F.H.P. Electrical driven stirrer oil test jet
  6. Gas test jet
  7. Abel's Flash point app. with voltage varrier Digital temp. Indicator oil test jet
  8. Gas test jet
  9. Same as above with FHP elect driven stirrer oil test jet
  10. Gas test jet
  11. Oil test jet and gas test jet (Combined model)

Meets:- IP-33,IP-170,IS 1448 (Part-I)

MI.PP-1020 Digital Abel's Flash Point Apparatus.
Milestone Instruments
Digital Abel Flash Point Apparatus

MI.PP-1021 Bitumen Penetration Kits
Consists of one container and one set of needle

MI.PP-1022 Red Wood Viscometer no1 electric heated with solid-state electronic regular without acc.
These viscometers are designed for viscosity tests of petroleum products. They confirm to recruitments Two adaption of red wood viscometer are available No.1 for liquids having red wood flow 20 seconds to 2000 seconds and No.II for liquids whose flow time exceeds 2000 seconds. The complete out fit comprises hammer finished stainless steel bath with electrical heating arrangements suitable to operate at 220 Volts AC mains with tap, silver plated oil cup with precision stainless steel jet, cup, cover ball, valve, thermometer-clip. Stirrer and M.S. sheet stand with leveling screws.
Meets: - IP 70.
a.) Electrical heated with energy regulator control
b) Same as above with digital indicator and controller

MI.PP-1023 Vacuum Pump, 700mm/hg
This pump is used for maintaing vaccun in viscometer

MI.PP-1024 3 metre straight edge and measuring wedge

MI.PP-1025 Dean & Stark Apparatus
Milestone Instruments
This apparatus is used for determination of water content of asphalt bitumen and fluxed native asphalt, crude coal tar, road tar, cut back bitumen, Digboi type cutback bitumen and creosote and anthracene oil. The apparatus consist of one 10cc (ml) receiver, 500ml flask and heater with energy regulator control Meets:- IS: 1211

Absolute Viscosity (Vacuum Viscometer) with digital water bath and 1 capillary tube
Meets:- IS: 1211

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