MI.SO-1013 Multi speed Universal Load frame 50 KN
This motorised machine with electronic digital
control by microprocessor is suitable to perform all the tests.
- Speed Rate: - 0.1 mm/min to 60 mm/min.
- Max. Load: - 50 KN
It can be use for the following tests
- Triaxial Test for soil.
- Unconfined test for soil.
- CBR test for soil.
- Marshall test of Bituminous Products
- Duriez test of Bituminous Products.
- Indirect Tensile of Bituminous Products.
Power Supply : 230 V Single Phase 50 Hz
Note: - Data logger can also be supplied for recoding the stain and
MI.SO-1014 Load Frame, Motorised, 30 speeds, 50
KN (5,000 kgf)
Main features of the load frame is for Triaxial and
CBR Tests
The Load Frame consists of a cabinet which houses the gear system and motor
with sturdy angle iron frame. The loading is done through the bottom loading
platen, which is carried on a lead screw which advances upwards. The top
load bracket, which slides over two upright pillars, can be positioned at
any desired height and locked. It carries a hexagonal screw adapter for
standard proving rings. The loading part of the unit is detachable from the
main unit for ease of transport and to avoid damage to the tension rods.
Rates of strain: 30, between 6 mm / min and 0.00048 mm/min. By interchanging
the drive and driven gears, another set of 24 rates of strain can be
obtained. Operate on 230 V, 50 Hz, single phase, AC Supply.
MI.SO-1015 Load Frame, Motorised, 12 speeds, 200
kN (20,000 kgf)
The Load Frame is extremely versatile and designed
to conduct triaxial shear test on soil and rock specimens. The instrument
consists of a cabinet, which houses the gear system and motor with sturdy
angle iron frame. The loading is done through the bottom loading platen,
which is carried on a lead screw, which advances upwards. The top load
bracket, which slides over two upright pillars, can be positioned at any
desired height and locked. It carries a hexagonal screw adaptor for standard
proving rings. The loading part of the unit is detachable from the main unit
for ease of transport and to avoid damage to the tension rods. Rates of
Strain: 12 (between 1.25 and 0.00032 mm/min) Suitable for operation on 230
V, 50 Hz, Single Phase, AC Supply.
MI.SO-1016 Load Frame, Motorised, 12 speeds, 490
kN (50,000 kgf)
The Load Frame is designed for conducting triaxial
shear tests on rock specimens, but its use can be extended to any field
where there is a requirement of the rates of strain of this load frame to be
applied. This load frame gives a choice of twelve rates of strain from
0.000125mm/ min to of 5mm/min. Suitable for operation on 3 Phase, 415 V, AC
Supply. It consists of a cabinet housing the electric motor, reduction gear
and the turret gear box. Two pillars are fitted on the base over the
cabinet. The load is applied by advancement of a lead screw. A suitable
adapter is provided for fixing a 500 kN capacity proving ring which is
supplied at extra cost. This load frame has a platen of about 25 cm dia to
house the High Pressure Triaxial Cell.
MI.SO-1017 Permeability
We supply a wide range of Permeameters meeting the
requirements of research and routine testing of permeability of soil
specimens. The available options are as a follows.
- Permeability Apparatus. Constant head
Constant Head permeameters are used for coarse-grained cohesion less
- Permeability Apparatus. Falling head
Falling Head permeameters are used for testing remoulded or undisturbed
fine-grained soil having less than 10-2 cm/sec coefficient of
- Permeability Test (Constant Head and Falling Head Methods)
MI.SO-1018 Proctor Penetrometer
- Proctor Penetrometer, Spring Type, 0-40 kg x 1
The instrument consists of a needle attached to a spring loaded
plunger, the stem of which is calibrated to read 0 to 40 kg division.
Long stem is graduated at every 12.5mm to read depth of penetration and
for use with needles of larger areas . The small penetration stem is
also graduation in 12.5mm division and is used with needles of smaller
areas. Needle points one each of 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.5 and 6.0
sq Cm. and one tommy pin is supplied. Complete as above in a wooden
carrying case.
- Proctor Penetrometer, Hydraulic Type, 0-40 kg x 2
This instruments is same as above but the penetration pressure on the
needle is conveyed through a hydraulic system Comprises hydraulic
proctor needle system complete with a pressure gauge fixed at easily
readable angle reading 0-70 kg x 2 kg. A set of needle points consisting
one each 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.5 and 6.0 sq. cm. and a wooden
carrying case.
- Penetrometer, Proving Ring Type. (Vicksberg Penetrometer)
Simple and light instrument for measuring static penetration
resistance. The thrust force is provided directly by the operator who,
by pushing on the T handle, forces the cone into the soil.The
encountered resistance is measured on the fitted load ring. Testing is
only possible in soils with good consistency and for short depths.
1. 3 cones with 30° cone angle and 1 sq. inch sectional area
2. 1 KN (100 kgf) load ring
MI.SO-1019 Pyknometer
Consists of a 1 kg Glass Jar with Brass Cone,
Locking Ring and Rubber Seal
Meets: - IS: 2386 (Part 3)-1963
MI.SO-1020 Sample Riffle Divider
For the rapid collection of true representative
samples from aggregates, sand and fillers, sample divider is required.
Riffle Sample Divider consists of a metal box fitted with a series of chutes
of equal width, which discharge the material alternatively in opposite
directions into separate pans. The chutes of the riffle are steep enough to
allow rapid flow of the material.
Meets:- IS: 1607-1977, 2720, ASTM C 136, D271, D421, D422, D423, D424,
D427, D451, D452, D457, D806, BS: 812, 1377, AASHO T27, T87.
- Riffle Sample Divider, 13mm slot width, 14 slots and approx. 2.1dm3
- Riffle Sample Divider, 25mm slot width, 16 slots and approx. 4.4 dm3
- Riffle Sample Divider, 50mm slot width
- Riffle Sample Divider, 75mm slot width
Note: - ASTM sizes are also available.
MI.SO-1021 Sample Extractors
Sample Extruder, Hand operated
Sample Extruder Hydraulic four piler
The sample extractors shown in this section meet the
requirements of Indian, British, ASTM and AASHO standards. Soil core
specimens can be extracted from sampling tubes with minimum disturbance.
Specimens of smaller dia can also be extracted from larger size samples.
- Sample Extractor, Hand Operated, for 38 mm
This extruder is used for taking sample core specimens of 38 mm dia
from sampling tube the outfit by the Screw Type method with a Wire
Sample Trimmer
- Sample Extractor, Hand operated, universal
This extruder is used for taking sample core specimens of 38 mm, 50 mm,
75 mm and 100 mm dia from sampling tube
- Sample Extractor, motorised. All purpose Hydraulic Extruder
This Extractor has been specially designed to overcome the difficulties
faced in extracting specimens from long sampling tubes. Provided with
Power pack with quick release coupling and having Manual operation
possible on power failure Eject soil from sampling tubes and moulds up
to 60 cm in length and 38mm to 150mm in dia by a single operation.
Allows direct transfer of soil from field sampling tubes, proctor and
CBR moulds into 38mm dia tubes with minimal disturbance
MI.SO-1022 Sampling Auger Outfits
Hand-operated screw-type augers as well as post hole
(blade type) augers are available in different sizes as listed below. The
screw-type auger can be used both for advancing the hole and for disturbed
sampling. The auger outfit is supplied with an extension rod, T-piece and a
tubular handle. Additional extension rods are also available for sampling at
deeper location.
- Sampling Auger Outfit, Blade Type, 75 mm dia
- Sampling Auger Outfit, Blade Type, 100 mm dia
- Sampling Auger Outfit, Blade Type, 150 mm dia
Extension Rods, for use with the above-mentioned Auger Heads, one meter
in length, threaded at both ends with Hexagonal Couplings. Handle and
T-piece Spanner
Meets:-ASTM D 1452
MI.SO-1023 Undisturbed Samplers
Samplers for collecting undisturbed samples of soil
from different depths are available. Samples of dia ranging from 38 mm to
150 mm and length ranging from 50 mm to 300 mm can be obtained. Sampling
Tube, 38 mm dia sampling tubes are available in unrelieved type. In this
type, the internal dia is uniform throughout the length.
- Sampling Tube
38mm dia x 150mm long unrelieved.
- Sampling tube
38mm dia x 200mm long unrelieved.